Frequently Asked Questions

Why is website search engine optimization (SEO) important?

When people are looking for a product or (especially) a service, they will often go to a search engine to find what they are looking for. Website SEO is crucial because it helps improve your site’s visibility on search engines like Google, increasing the likelihood of attracting organic traffic and potential customers.

How does SEO benefit my website’s traffic and performance?

SEO optimizes your website’s content and structure, making it easier for search engines to understand and rank your pages. This can result in higher search engine rankings and more visitors.

Can SEO help my website’s credibility and trustworthiness?

Yes, SEO can improve your website’s credibility by ensuring that it appears in relevant search results, establishing trust with users who tend to trust top-ranked websites.

Does SEO benefit mobile users as well?

Absolutely, SEO includes mobile optimization, making your site mobile-friendly, and ensuring a better user experience for mobile visitors, which is increasingly important as mobile internet usage continues to rise.

How does SEO impact my business’s bottom line?

SEO can lead to increased organic traffic, which can result in more leads and conversions. This can positively impact your business’s revenue and profitability.

How hard is it to get on first page of Google?

Make sure your page aligns with search intent. Google wants to rank the type of pages that searchers are looking for. Unless your page aligns with the searcher’s intent, it’ll be near impossible to rank on the first page.

What is the benefit being in first page of Google?

Higher visibility on Google by default means a lot more click-through-rates because any user is more likely to click on a link if it ranks high on Google organically. Therefore, your site views will increase, which means more customers and more sold services and products.

How often do people go past the first page of Google?

To answer the question, yes people go past the first page of Google but an extremely low number of only 8.5 percent.

Is the first page of Google better than the second page of Google?

The second page of Google search results only receives a collective 6% of all search traffic. The further away you are from page one, the less click-through rate you’ll have on Google

How many people only look at the first page of Google results?

Additionally, research from Advanced Web Ranking shows that while 71.33% of searches result in an organic click on page one, page two and three only get 5.59% clicks. User behavior doesn’t lie – page one is still the most critical for search results.